Our Service Guarantee

We have built our business and reputation by providing our clients with quality wood floor fitting, wood floor sanding and maintenance services. Still, we realise, that sometimes mistakes may occur. For this reason, we offer our Service Guarantee.

Our Service Guarantee comes with a free on-site inspection following a complaint raised after our wood floor restoration or wood floor installation services. Please note, that sometimes more than one visit may be required to allow inspections by manufacturers or suppliers to identify correctly the nature of the fault.

Our Service Guarantee covers Labour and Materials in event of faults, caused by improper use of products or preparation of the wood floor installation. Our wood floor installation service comes with 2 years guarantee and our wood floor restoration with 3 months guarantee - please refer to Exemptions & Limitations. The Company reserves the right to apply limitations on its Service Guarantee for wood floor restoration service, on floors not laid originally by our company.

Exemptions & Limitation of Service Guarantee

Service Guarantee cannot be provided for services not paid in full on completion, as per the final invoice(s).

Do not cover damage made by third-party service; leaks or damp caused by faulty appliances; increased air humidity or increased subfloor moisture levels, which have appeared after the wood floor installation.

Does not cover squeaks or issues arising from the subfloor, where the subfloor preparation was not part of the quote provided.

Does not cover works on floor coverings, which are at the end of their usability term. This includes engineered wooden floors with reduced thickness of the top layer.

Our Service Guarantee for laminate flooring & LVT flooring is limited to the guarantee provided by the manufacturer of the product. We will only cover service and material faults for accessories within 3 months of installation.

Excludes gap filling with resin filler* on original pine floorboards, or any other boards without a click or tongue & groove fitting system.

* Please note, while working on the surface of your floors during restoration/repairs, we endeavour to make every effort for refitting/fixing, before proceeding with the gap-filling, it is in fact the solidness of the floorboards, their remaining thickness and the condition of their support (joists) that will defy the durability of the gap-filling, not the quality of the products used or the service provided.

Contact Us

FlooringFirst! Services
158 Coles Green Road
London, NW2 7HW
Direct Line: 020 88309782
SandingWoodFloor.co.uk is Trademark of Trades Centre Ltd • Contents of this website is © Copyright of Trades Centre Ltd.